The title is a reference to the exposure time. 123 seconds, that is how long the exposure was. It was a very quiet morning. I arrived at the lake way before sunrise. I was scouting the location with my headlamp on. Unfortunately, it was an overcast morning, so the sun wouldn’t be visible. Because of this I was on the lookout for a long exposure shot during blue hour.
When I found this jetty, it was still very dark. So dark that even after a 3-minute exposure with my ND10 it was still way underexposed. So, I switched to my ND3 which was used to take this photo. It was a private jetty, So I needed to photography trough a fence. Luckily there wasn’t a bar in the middle otherwise I couldn’t get this shot with the jetty in the centre of the frame.
I really enjoyed this morning even though I had to get up at 5 AM in the morning. The getting out of bed part is hard, but there is something special about the getting up before every one else. Experiencing the world waking up.
Gear used
Camera: | Canon EOS R5 |
Lens adapter: | Canon EF-EOS R Control Ring Mount Adapter |
Lens: | Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM |
Filter adapter: | Breakthrough Photography X100 Magnetic Wheel 77mm |
Filter: | Breakthrough Photography X4 ND 3-stops Magnetic Filter |
Tripod: | Leofoto RF-284CT |
Tripod head: | Leofoto XB-32 |